Hi! How you doing?
Today I'm here to tell you the reasons why I love the rain. You'll see it's not as simple as "oh, rain smells good", although this is also an important point. Well, let's stop spinning and go straight to my points.
- Childhood Trauma
Since then in that house, it was hard to me to sleep, I used to hear things and wonder if any thief was trying to break and enter my house. There were only few exceptions when I could sleep well and be restful. One of them was when it was raining. I mean, in my child head, what kind of thief would try to break into a house when it's raining? I guess none. Rain could really mess up things to them! In short, I can say that rain makes me feel safe.
2. It's very relaxing
Who has never stopped everything that was doing just to see the rain? Whether staring at the window or laying on the couch, you can feel the rain as a special moment. Its sound it's very relaxing, it calms most people. The rain is a show that you need to watch and listen to closely, it has many things to tell you, for sure. Water brings out locked memories, water brings life over the earth.
When it's raining the nature is so close to you, you can't deny it. Rain makes home cozier. How can some people don't enjoy the rain?
Rain generates confort, hope and the happiness feeling in our heart, because of the freshness it brings along with itself.
Feel the cool air on your skin, feel the shiver down your spine, feel the memories coming out, rain is real amazing.
3. It smells good
Lastly, but not less important, no one can deny that the rain smells good. Go outside and have that clean smell of freshly washed earth. Close your eyes and try to remember the smell of when the water starts hitting the ground. There's nothing compared to it. Wet plants, wet concrete, everything smells different than it usually does.
Rain is water, and water smells fresh and clean, as it has touched the sky and has been purified. As long as my sense of smell is very refined, the sweet smelling rain lingers and brings me peace.
As you can see, I can summarize why do I love rain in one single sentence: "Rain has a calming effect on me".
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