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about Christmas

Hi! First of all, you could say that I'm a little late, after all it's already a new year and I'm here to talk about... Christmas? Yes, I will do it.
I've been reading some articles on the net, learning how to say common expressions about Christmas, and I read something that really intrigued me. That must be clarified that I'm not such a religious person, and all I knew about Christmas until then was that is celebrated because of Jesus' birth, on December 25th. That was when I was taken by surprise: Jesus DID NOT born in December. At least, this is what modern analisys of Scripture say. There are long explanations about this 'mistery' around His birth, you can see a good one by clicking HERE.
However, that's not the point. I mean, how can so many people celebrate Christmas not even knowing its real meaning? Religious ones, Christians, schools, churchs, try to teach every single child that the real meaning of Christmas is Jesus' birth, but they can't even get out of their way to find a concrete answer. I wonder if any of them once questioned this statement. Did Christ really born on December 25th? Any quest on the internet would show them that it's not as right as it seems.
Maybe their awareness could bring a new meaning to Christmas day. Furthermore, this holiday is celebrated around the world in countries including many whose populations are mostly non-Christian.
You see, it's not all about Jesus' birth, let alone giving presents, Christmas trees, ornaments, turkey, reindeers or Santa Claus. It's about peace and love. It's about getting along with the ones you love, make someone happy. Do good regardless of who it is and what they have done. I think this is what Christmas spirit is for.
Maybe it isn't time to celebrate Jesus birth, but the birth of a new person within your heart.

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