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Reliable friends

  What do you want most in a friend — someone who is intelligent, or someone who has a sense of humor, or someone who is reliable? Which one of these characteristics is most important to you? Use reasons and specific examples to explain your choice.

    For me, someone who’s reliable is the best characteristic that I want in a friend. It’s always good to be around people who have sense of humor, but if go to a party where there is this kind of people, you can enjoy this characteristic from a person without even being his friend. As the same way, if you need help in a subject from school, you’re able to ask intelligent people for help who are not necessary your friend.
    It’s easy to find people that has exceptional knowledge or people who have sense of humor, but it’s hard to find a reliable friend. For this reason, you have to value when you find a reliable friend. If you have a friend like this, you’re lucky, because you can rely on that person for everything you need. When you have a problem, you can count on that person to help you to solve that problem. If you have a secret and wants to share it with somebody, you can surely share it with a reliable friend, because you know he won’t gossip with anybody and spread your secret. You’re sure that this friend will never betray you your trust.
    You can’t say that a person is a friend of yours just because he’s intelligent or funny, otherwise, if you know that it’s a person you can trust, you can call him your friend, and he’s never going to turn against you. Reliable people can help you when you’re passing through a difficult time of your life, and they won’t help you by telling a joke. Besides, reliable friends can help you telling wise words, and they don’t have to be called intelligent to know them. Most of people who’s called intelligent knows everything about sciences, math, philosophy, etc, but not every one of them has learned things from life, from a friendship, and that is what matters when you ask them for help. Reliable friends say the right thing at the right time. At least, they can listen to everything you say without even saying a word, and will help you the same way.
    That’s why I think having a reliable friend in your life is more important than another characteristic in a friend, as long as it's real hard to find a friend you can trust, and they can help you to deal with your personal matters.

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He tastes like heaven

I used to think heaven had no flavor
But since I tried you, you've done me a favor
If someone ever asked what heaven tastes like
Sure had always thought there's nothing alike

But I have to tell you, it's pretty possible
and this taste is usually available
You just have to look around
and recognize as you're in awe

Because once it's near and you can't realize
it's not coming back as soon
then maybe you'll meet heaven when you die
what if I meet hell? It depends on you.

But there's a way of feeling heaven while you're alive
and this is what I'm talking about
If you ever feel a love inside
you must not let it goes out

Feel it. It feels like heaven.
See it. It looks like heaven.
Hear it. It sounds like heaven.
Smell it. It smells like heaven.
Kiss him. He tastes like heaven.

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Doggy Bag review

    This review was based on an article from BBC News. (HERE)
    In short, this article says that British people are embarrassed about asking for a doggy bag when they eat out. Some of them wrongly believe that it's against health and safety polices. There are other reasons for this shyness, like fear of appearing greedy, and it's supposedly something that only poor people would do.
    At the same time that eating out and fine dining were opened up to the masses, there are still taboos that need to be broken. They say that asking for the leftover is not part of their culture, but once you've enjoyed the dish, why can't you ask to take home your leftover?
    Nowadays, the modern-day etiquette should involve a dose of common sense, and common sense should them that food should not be wasted and that asking for a doggy bag is a good thing. (Liz Brewer)
    Campaigns trying to convert Britons to the doggy bag culture are being launched in order to reduce the amount of food waste in the UK. "The Too Good to Waste initiative will see 25,000 biodegradable boxes dispatched to about 50 participating restaurants in London, including the Michelin-starred Quilon and chains including Wahaca and Leon."
    In my opinion, I think is too hard to change old habits, whereas rich people have too much money to ask for a doggy bag. You can see that this embarrassement begins with the name that the leftover food is called "doggy bag", as it is supposedly to feed the costumer's dog.
    While British diners don't stop wasting food, we see that it's a social custom which varies widely by location. As doggy bags are very common in restaurants that offer a take-out food service, as well as sit-down meals, in some countries, people would frown upon a diner asking for a doggy bag. It's a pity for our planet that globalization didn't reach this point yet, but it's a good goal for achieve in the future: overcome the British culture about doggy bags.

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Which is the best preparation for life?

"Some people say that the best preparation for life is learning to work with others and be cooperative.Others take the opposite view and say that learning to be competitive is the best preparation. Discuss these positions, using specific examples of both. Tell which one you agree with and explain why."

    During all our lives, we have to deal with different kinds of people. Nobody lives alone, and daily we have to work with others. Its not something you learn how to from high school or college, but it’s a knowledge you acquire throughout your life.
Since we were kids, we had to learn to share our mother’s attention with our brothers, and along with that, we learnt that being kind is essential to our survival, and we have to give and take to obtain mutual benefits. Things are real harder if we try to do all by ourselves.
    Nevertheless, before learning how to work with people around, you have to learn how to deal with yourself. Making mistakes teach us how to accept that we are human beings, and that is part of the path. All improvement process begins from ourselves, but to improve involves leaving someone behind, and it generates a sense of competition that sometimes can go unnoticed by us. For example, when you take a test in order to enter a university, you are competing with other but it all depends on your own effort to get what you want, and an enormous strength is required to overcome the obstacles, many of them made by your own mind. Then, the competition is such a consequence, not a way to success.
    Once we recognize other people have valuable knowledge, we learn that we must respect them and we learn that we can use good relationships in our favor. In my opinion, the best preparation for life is learning to work with others, because this way you can help each other and improve yourself along in all aspects of life.

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why do I love the rain

Hi! How you doing?
Today I'm here to tell you the reasons why I love the rain. You'll see it's not as simple as "oh, rain smells good", although this is also an important point. Well, let's stop spinning and go straight to my points.

  1. Childhood Trauma
I know that childhood traumas are about more traumatic events than mine, but I'm using this term to illustrate my situation as well. When I was about 9 years old, something awkward happened to me and my family. We went downtown to buy some gifts, I guess it was Christmas time. Me and my mother were waiting for my father to pick us up after he has left the work, then we came back home together. Arriving at home, I figured out that the backyard door was open, then I shouted at my mother "Mom, I guess you forgot to close the door", then she came to me and we realized we were the brand new break-in victims of the neighborhood.
Since then in that house, it was hard to me to sleep, I used to hear things and wonder if any thief was trying to break and enter my house. There were only few exceptions when I could sleep well and be restful. One of them was when it was raining. I mean, in my child head, what kind of thief would try to break into a house when it's raining? I guess none. Rain could really mess up things to them! In short, I can say that rain makes me feel safe.

   2.  It's very relaxing

Who has never stopped everything that was doing just to see the rain? Whether staring at the window or laying on the couch, you can feel the rain as a special moment. Its sound it's very relaxing, it calms most people. The rain is a show that you need to watch and listen to closely, it has many things to tell you, for sure. Water brings out locked memories, water brings life over the earth.
When it's raining the nature is so close to you, you can't deny it. Rain makes home cozier. How can some people don't enjoy the rain?
Rain generates confort, hope and the happiness feeling in our heart, because of the freshness it brings along with itself.
Feel the cool air on your skin, feel the shiver down your spine, feel the memories coming out, rain is real amazing.

   3.  It smells good

Lastly, but not less important, no one can deny that the rain smells good. Go outside and have that clean smell of freshly washed earth. Close your eyes and try to remember the smell of when the water starts hitting the ground. There's nothing compared to it. Wet plants, wet concrete, everything smells different than it usually does.
Rain is water, and water smells fresh and clean, as it has touched the sky and has been purified. As long as my sense of smell is very refined, the sweet smelling rain lingers and brings me peace.

As you can see, I can summarize why do I love rain in one single sentence: "Rain has a calming effect on me".

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about Christmas

Hi! First of all, you could say that I'm a little late, after all it's already a new year and I'm here to talk about... Christmas? Yes, I will do it.
I've been reading some articles on the net, learning how to say common expressions about Christmas, and I read something that really intrigued me. That must be clarified that I'm not such a religious person, and all I knew about Christmas until then was that is celebrated because of Jesus' birth, on December 25th. That was when I was taken by surprise: Jesus DID NOT born in December. At least, this is what modern analisys of Scripture say. There are long explanations about this 'mistery' around His birth, you can see a good one by clicking HERE.
However, that's not the point. I mean, how can so many people celebrate Christmas not even knowing its real meaning? Religious ones, Christians, schools, churchs, try to teach every single child that the real meaning of Christmas is Jesus' birth, but they can't even get out of their way to find a concrete answer. I wonder if any of them once questioned this statement. Did Christ really born on December 25th? Any quest on the internet would show them that it's not as right as it seems.
Maybe their awareness could bring a new meaning to Christmas day. Furthermore, this holiday is celebrated around the world in countries including many whose populations are mostly non-Christian.
You see, it's not all about Jesus' birth, let alone giving presents, Christmas trees, ornaments, turkey, reindeers or Santa Claus. It's about peace and love. It's about getting along with the ones you love, make someone happy. Do good regardless of who it is and what they have done. I think this is what Christmas spirit is for.
Maybe it isn't time to celebrate Jesus birth, but the birth of a new person within your heart.

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